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CGPA to Percentage Calculator

Welcome to our CGPA to Percentage Calculator page! This tool is designed to convert your Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) into a percentage. This conversion is often required for academic evaluations, job applications, and various educational assessments.

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CGPA to Percentage
Percentage to CGPA

What is CGPA?

Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is a grading system used in many educational institutions to represent a student’s academic performance. It is calculated based on the grade points earned across all courses taken over a certain period, usually a semester or an academic year.

Why Convert CGPA to Percentage?

The conversion from CGPA to percentage is important for several reasons:

  1. Uniform Evaluation: Different institutions and countries use various grading systems. Converting CGPA to percentage provides a uniform basis for evaluation and comparison.
  2. Job Applications: Many employers and organizations require academic performance to be presented as a percentage rather than CGPA.
  3. Academic Requirements: Some institutions or programs may require a percentage for eligibility or admission purposes.

How Does the CGPA to Percentage Calculator Work?

The calculator uses a conversion formula to translate CGPA into a percentage. The formula varies slightly depending on the educational institution’s grading scale. However, a commonly used formula is:Percentage=CGPA×9.5\text{Percentage} = \text{CGPA} \times 9.5Percentage=CGPA×9.5

This formula assumes a grading system where a CGPA of 10 corresponds to 95% and can be adjusted based on your institution’s scale.

Example Calculations

Example 1: If your CGPA is 7.8, you can calculate the percentage as follows:Percentage=7.8×9.5=74.1%\text{Percentage} = 7.8 \times 9.5 = 74.1\%Percentage=7.8×9.5=74.1%

Thus, a CGPA of 7.8 corresponds to 74.1%.

Example 2: For a CGPA of 8.5:Percentage=8.5×9.5=80.75%\text{Percentage} = 8.5 \times 9.5 = 80.75\%Percentage=8.5×9.5=80.75%

Therefore, a CGPA of 8.5 converts to 80.75%.

Why Use the CGPA to Percentage Calculator?

  1. Academic Records: Convert your CGPA to a percentage for accurate academic records and transcripts.
  2. Career Opportunities: Present your academic performance in percentage form for job applications and career advancement.
  3. Scholarships and Admissions: Many scholarships and educational programs use percentage scores for eligibility criteria.

Tips for Using the Calculator

  • Accurate CGPA Input: Ensure you enter the CGPA accurately as per your institution’s grading scale.
  • Institution-Specific Formulas: Check if your institution has a specific conversion formula, as some may vary. Adjust the multiplier in the formula accordingly.
  • Decimal Precision: The calculator provides results rounded to two decimal places for clarity, but you can adjust this based on your needs.


Our CGPA to Percentage Calculator simplifies the process of converting your CGPA into a percentage. Whether for academic purposes, job applications, or personal record-keeping, this tool helps you present your academic performance in a universally understood format.

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out. Explore our other calculators to assist with various calculations and academic needs!